2 products



2 products

2 products

Collection: Portals to Chiribiquete

Handmade shoes with beautiful stories from Colombia

This collection has featured the collaborative work of the "De Mis Manos" Corporation that helps small entrepreneurs to consolidate themselves in the market, the company DEFAMA, of the artist Fausto Zuleta who is part of the APBP Painters with the mouth and with the foot and Macondas. With the union of all we want to pay tribute to the Chiribiquete natural park with the encouragement that it is not visited in order to protect it. Macondas will be the portal that will take you to know this majestic sanctuary.

Shoes that lead you to care for the environment

By purchasing any of the products in this collection, Macondas will make a donation to the Fundación Herancia Ambiental Caribe led by anthropologist Carlos Castaño Uribe. This foundation works for the conservation of the environment and especially for the protection of Chiribiquete Colombia. Buy portal shoes to Chiribiquete and become a #GuardianDeChiribiquete.

Contribution to equity

As a contribution to social responsibility, Macondas will give the artist Fausto Zuleta an economic benefit for each pair of shoes or bag in this collection. This will help the artist Fausto to continue with his vocation. The artist is part of a Colombian group of mouth painters. Support it!


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